Fairest of them All (1)

Fairest of them All is a meme hosted by Elleria at Chimneys and Magic. It's to compare different covers for the same book and discuss which is more amazing!

Delirium by Lauren Oliver

I bought this one in India and still haven't read this one. The cover I own however is the one on the left below this...text.

The ones above are all English. Here come the different languages!
[German, French, Spanish]
[Catalan, Italian, Croatian]

That's A LOT of covers for one book! :P
and a very hard decision...

Like for the original cover, I really like the black (French) version, because it really contrasts and works well. But overall, I really like German cover. The writing is really effective, and even though it's a lot like the Croatian one, I think I found that model in the German one more..."fitting in" than the Croatian one.

That's it for now...really glad I found this meme. Which cover do you like?

1 comment:

  1. I think I have to agree with you on this one, the German cover is really awesome! I really need to read this book, it's been sitting on my shelf for too long.
    Sidenote: Thanks for commenting on my review of The Demon Trapper's Daughter. It makes me sad that you can't find a copy of it! If I had it in paperback, I'd send it to you. But hopefully you'll stumble upon a copy soon. =)


Thank you for taking the time to comment! I'll try to visit your blog (if you have one) and comment back!